Note: this is using v0 version of the Firecrawl API which is being deprecated. We recommend switching to v1.


To install the Firecrawl Go SDK, you can use go get:

go get


  1. Get an API key from
  2. Set the API key as an environment variable named FIRECRAWL_API_KEY or pass it as a parameter to the FirecrawlApp struct.

Here’s an example of how to use the SDK with error handling:

import (


func main() {
  // Initialize the FirecrawlApp with your API key
  app, err := firecrawl.NewFirecrawlApp("YOUR_API_KEY")
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize FirecrawlApp: %v", err)

  // Scrape a single URL
  scrapedData, err := app.ScrapeURL("", nil)
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error occurred while scraping: %v", err)

  // Crawl a website
  params := map[string]any{
    "pageOptions": map[string]any{
      "onlyMainContent": true,

  crawlResult, err := app.CrawlURL("", params)
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error occurred while crawling: %v", err)

Scraping a URL

To scrape a single URL with error handling, use the ScrapeURL method. It takes the URL as a parameter and returns the scraped data as a dictionary.

scrapedData, err := app.ScrapeURL("", nil)
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Failed to scrape URL: %v", err)

Crawling a Website

To crawl a website, use the CrawlUrl method. It takes the starting URL and optional parameters as arguments. The params argument allows you to specify additional options for the crawl job, such as the maximum number of pages to crawl, allowed domains, and the output format.

crawlParams := map[string]any{
  "crawlerOptions": map[string]any{
    "excludes": []string{"blog/*"},
    "includes": []string{}, // leave empty for all pages
    "limit": 1000,
  "pageOptions": map[string]any{
    "onlyMainContent": true,
crawlResult, err := app.CrawlURL("", crawlParams, true, 2, idempotencyKey)
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Failed to crawl URL: %v", err)

Checking Crawl Status

To check the status of a crawl job, use the CheckCrawlStatus method. It takes the job ID as a parameter and returns the current status of the crawl job.

status, err := app.CheckCrawlStatus(jobId)
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Failed to check crawl status: %v", err)

Canceling a Crawl Job

To cancel a crawl job, use the CancelCrawlJob method. It takes the job ID as a parameter and returns the cancellation status of the crawl job.

canceled, err := app.CancelCrawlJob(jobId)
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Failed to cancel crawl job: %v", err)

Extracting structured data from a URL

With LLM extraction, you can easily extract structured data from any URL. Here is how you to use it:

jsonSchema := map[string]any{
  "type": "object",
  "properties": map[string]any{
    "top": map[string]any{
      "type": "array",
      "items": map[string]any{
        "type": "object",
        "properties": map[string]any{
          "title":       map[string]string{"type": "string"},
          "points":      map[string]string{"type": "number"},
          "by":          map[string]string{"type": "string"},
          "commentsURL": map[string]string{"type": "string"},
        "required": []string{"title", "points", "by", "commentsURL"},
      "minItems":    5,
      "maxItems":    5,
      "description": "Top 5 stories on Hacker News",
  "required": []string{"top"},

llmExtractionParams := map[string]any{
  "extractorOptions": firecrawl.ExtractorOptions{
    ExtractionSchema: jsonSchema,

scrapeResult, err := app.ScrapeURL("", llmExtractionParams)
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Failed to perform LLM extraction: %v", err)

Search for a query

To search the web, get the most relevant results, scrap each page and return the markdown, use the Search method. The method takes the query as a parameter and returns the search results.

query := "What is firecrawl?"
searchResult, err := app.Search(query)
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Failed to search: %v", err)

Error Handling

The SDK handles errors returned by the Firecrawl API and raises appropriate exceptions. If an error occurs during a request, an exception will be raised with a descriptive error message.