Using Firecrawl with CrewAI

Firecrawl is integrated with CrewAI, the framework for orchestrating AI agents. This page introduces all of the Firecrawl tools added to the framework.

Installing Firecrawl Tools inside of CrewAI

pip install firecrawl-py 'crewai[tools]'




Utilize the FirecrawlScrapeFromWebsiteTool as follows to allow your agent to load websites:

from crewai_tools import FirecrawlCrawlWebsiteTool

tool = FirecrawlCrawlWebsiteTool(url='')


  • api_key: Optional. Specifies Firecrawl API key. Defaults is the FIRECRAWL_API_KEY environment variable.
  • url: The base URL to start crawling from.
  • page_options: Optional.
    • onlyMainContent: Optional. Only return the main content of the page excluding headers, navs, footers, etc.
    • includeHtml: Optional. Include the raw HTML content of the page. Will output a html key in the response.
  • crawler_options: Optional. Options for controlling the crawling behavior.
    • includes: Optional. URL patterns to include in the crawl.
    • exclude: Optional. URL patterns to exclude from the crawl.
    • generateImgAltText: Optional. Generate alt text for images using LLMs (requires a paid plan).
    • returnOnlyUrls: Optional. If true, returns only the URLs as a list in the crawl status. Note: the response will be a list of URLs inside the data, not a list of documents.
    • maxDepth: Optional. Maximum depth to crawl. Depth 1 is the base URL, depth 2 includes the base URL and its direct children, and so on.
    • mode: Optional. The crawling mode to use. Fast mode crawls 4x faster on websites without a sitemap but may not be as accurate and shouldn’t be used on heavily JavaScript-rendered websites.
    • limit: Optional. Maximum number of pages to crawl.
    • timeout: Optional. Timeout in milliseconds for the crawling operation.



Utilize the FirecrawlScrapeWebsiteTool as follows to allow your agent to load websites:

from crewai_tools import FirecrawlScrapeWebsiteTool

tool = FirecrawlScrapeWebsiteTool(url='')


  • api_key: Optional. Specifies Firecrawl API key. Defaults is the FIRECRAWL_API_KEY environment variable.
  • url: The URL to scrape.
  • page_options: Optional.
    • onlyMainContent: Optional. Only return the main content of the page excluding headers, navs, footers, etc.
    • includeHtml: Optional. Include the raw HTML content of the page. Will output a html key in the response.
  • extractor_options: Optional. Options for LLM-based extraction of structured information from the page content
    • mode: The extraction mode to use, currently supports ‘llm-extraction’
    • extractionPrompt: Optional. A prompt describing what information to extract from the page
    • extractionSchema: Optional. The schema for the data to be extracted
  • timeout: Optional. Timeout in milliseconds for the request



Utilize the FirecrawlSearchTool as follows to allow your agent to load websites:

from crewai_tools import FirecrawlSearchTool

tool = FirecrawlSearchTool(query='what is firecrawl?')


  • api_key: Optional. Specifies Firecrawl API key. Defaults is the FIRECRAWL_API_KEY environment variable.
  • query: The search query string to be used for searching.
  • page_options: Optional. Options for result formatting.
    • onlyMainContent: Optional. Only return the main content of the page excluding headers, navs, footers, etc.
    • includeHtml: Optional. Include the raw HTML content of the page. Will output a html key in the response.
    • fetchPageContent: Optional. Fetch the full content of the page.
  • search_options: Optional. Options for controlling the crawling behavior.
    • limit: Optional. Maximum number of pages to crawl.